About Me

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After being told I would never be able to have children, I am now a stay-at-home Mommy to Maddie who happens to have Down Syndrome. I've been married 16 years to my best friend, having the time of my life. Thanks for stopping by and sharing in our little journey through life.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Formula For Taking Great Pictures of Your Kids!!

1.  Next time you are on the floor playing with your kiddos, hold your hand up against the wall.  

2.  If you see nice, soft shadows like this...RUN (don't walk) and get your camera immediately!

This is the best kind of light for picture-taking!
It means its a soft light that won't produce any harsh shadow lines.  

3.  Next step is getting buy-in from your kids!
Maddie knows all about taking pictures. 
Sometimes she's up for it, and most of the time she's not!

4.  So, grab Nemo and begin taking pictures of him.  
Make it a game, and then announce, "It's Maddie's turn!"

Chances are they will then gladly play along!

5.  Take a few shots, and show them how pretty (or handsome) they are!

6.  Next, to keep them interested, get their cameras out, and have them take pictures of Nemo too!

Follow these steps and you should be able to hold their attention long enough to get shots like these:  

A few more details to getting that great shot:  

Maddie was about 6-8 feet from the light source.
please excuse the mess!!
The closer you get to the light source, the harsher the light as you can see in this shot.

Make sure you are not blocking the light source when you stand in front of kiddos to snap pictures.
Your pictures will look like this...

So that's it...easy peasy!
Go get those awesome shots and let me see em when you do!!

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