About Me

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After being told I would never be able to have children, I am now a stay-at-home Mommy to Maddie who happens to have Down Syndrome. I've been married 16 years to my best friend, having the time of my life. Thanks for stopping by and sharing in our little journey through life.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Laundry Love

Here's my simple things photo this week...
While I was busy cleaning out and organizing the laundry room on Martin Luther King, Jr. day, my husband was ironically at the laundromat paying for everyone's laundry there.  Just to brighten their day!  He and another friend met up there and just starting asking everyone who came in if they could pay for their laundry.    He said one lady cried.  She had a terrible week, and that small act of kindness was just what she needed. 
I'm very grateful for simple things like my own washer and dryer, but more importantly, I have a husband who's willing to spend a few hours on his day off to brighten someone's day!

For more simple things photos, click on button below


  1. What a wonderful thing your husband did!

  2. such a sweet and inspiring post; I know I need to take the time to do things like that more often.

  3. i love your story and your photo!

  4. Tell Kyle we think he is cool.

  5. That is amazing! It's nice to know that there are still amazingly kind people like that. I LOVE doing laundry. It's my favorite thing to do.

  6. What a wonderful idea for a random act of kindness! I'm certain he made everyone's day. Thanks for sharing!
