About Me

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After being told I would never be able to have children, I am now a stay-at-home Mommy to Maddie who happens to have Down Syndrome. I've been married 16 years to my best friend, having the time of my life. Thanks for stopping by and sharing in our little journey through life.

Friday, August 17, 2012

First Day of School!

We survived the first day of school yesterday!
She looks so little with her little friends!

She was excited to go!!

What a difference a year makes.  I really wanted her to go back to Antioch this year, but in order to move up to the next class, she had to be potty trained.  We are no where close to being potty trained, so I enrolled her at the the Moore Public Special Needs Preschool.  
She will go 4 days a week for 2 1/2 hours.  
I was disappointed at first, but seeing her march right in and begin playing was awesome.

I even got a special shirt made for her first day of school...

It says, "Down Syndrome?  I'm down with that!!"
She loved her first day of school!

And I think she's going to love her new teachers too!!
We are excited about a new school year : ) 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like she had so much fun!! She is rocking that shirt too!!!
