About Me

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After being told I would never be able to have children, I am now a stay-at-home Mommy to Maddie who happens to have Down Syndrome. I've been married 16 years to my best friend, having the time of my life. Thanks for stopping by and sharing in our little journey through life.

Friday, August 12, 2011


We've been recovering around here.  We had some wonderful rain Sunday night and with it a fresh batch of allergies!  Maddie and I were both a bit under the weather. 
And then Tuesday evening, I notice a nice little stream of water on the kitchen floor leading from the refrigerator.  The ice was melting!  Not good.  While I was sick in bed Kyle went shopping for new refrigerators.  Thank goodness for emergency funds!  He picked it out and bought it without me ever seeing it.  He did good though!  Here's our new and improved refrigerator...
  And just so you know, with a few questions and a respectful approach, you can save lots of money!  Kyle checked out the Best Buy price.  Then he called Lowe's and asked if they could match Best Buy's price + 10%.  With a little persistence they agreed.  Then he called Best Buy back and told them what Lowe's was willing to do and said he would buy it from them if they would knock off 15%.  They told him it was impossible for Lowe's to sell it that cheap and the absolute lowest they could sell it was $50 off the sale price.  We bought it from Lowe's.  We saved about $500.  Yay!! And it was delivered first thing the next morning.  We love Lowe's!! 
We lost a lot of things in our freezer, but some of that needed to be tossed anyway, so all in all I think we recovered nicely. 
I know most of you would much rather see pictures of Maddie rather than refrigerators, so here's a few pics of her eating udon noodles...it's so funny.  I wish you could hear the sound effects!

Maddie's also been in a sharing mood lately...
She's been very generous with her glasses!


  1. Loving the new fridge. I want one like that too.

  2. I have only posted a comment once before when I found your site through 2littlehooligans. I continue to follow your blog and Maddie always makes me smile. I loved the pictures of her joining her friends in the crib and the pillow with the glasses is absolutely adorable!

  3. Nice Fridge! Although, you SAVED on yours what I PAID for a new-to-us fridge last Spring. :-)
