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After being told I would never be able to have children, I am now a stay-at-home Mommy to Maddie who happens to have Down Syndrome. I've been married 16 years to my best friend, having the time of my life. Thanks for stopping by and sharing in our little journey through life.

Friday, March 11, 2011


The other day I was getting ready for the day.  I used my toothbrush and looked at it and thought, “what in the world have a done to this poor thing?”  
Next I went to put on my make-up and looked at my mascara and thought, “what in the world has Gracie (my pug for those of you who don’t know) done to this poor thing?”  
These things got me thinking (scary, I know).  I started wondering what these things in my life said about the state of who I am today.  Worn out? Nah, too dramatic.  Idiosyncratic?  Idio-what?  Unique?  That’s closer.  Hmmm…distinctive?  That feels about right. 

Distinctive – adj.  having a special quality, style, attractiveness, etc.; notable. 

Through the use (or abuse as in the case of the mascara) these things have been transformed into a different quality all of their own.  They now stand out and cause me to take notice and I appreciate that. 

It’s kind of what happens to us when we ask God to transform us to become more like Him.  The world chews us up and spits us out like mascara but God looks at us and sees a distinctive quality.  Not only are we still useful but we stand out and that’s the beauty of it all.  Or maybe we are in a situation that seems to never end.  We get rubbed the wrong way day after day (or twice a day like my toothbrush) and we look at ourselves in the mirror and ask, “what in the world has happened to me?”  But God looks at us and sees character and a distinctiveness that causes the world to take notice.  

No matter what we have endured this side of heaven, God can use everything to His glory.  He sees you having a special quality, a style, an attractiveness.  He knows you are notable, unforgettable.  (Romans 8:28 “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”)  Ask God how he can take your distinctions and use them today. 

And just so you know, I bought a new toothbrush, but now I’m a little attached to this one.  It has worked so hard for me, I hate to just throw it out!  Someone please talk some sense in me!  It’s just a silly toothbrush for goodness sakes!


  1. Love your blog spot. I stopped by it today to copy the web address to send to my sister, who just so happens to be a dentist! She will be glad you got a new toothbrush! Jill L.

  2. Thanks so much for reading my blog!
